What is Kinky Coaching?

Follow your desires and live your dreams, don't let them just remain your fantasies.

Kinky Coaching is mentoring and the application of coaching to personal relationships, it aims to broaden your knowledge around the BDSM lifestyle, teach you new skills and techniques quickly and effectively, plus improve D/s dynamics and resolve interpersonal/inner conflicts.

Whether you’re single, a couple, Dominant, submissive, or switch, you’ll get support from an expert who has been in your shoes already and understands your struggles.

Open your heart to better sex through BDSM.

Initial Coaching Session

Appointment includes detailed intake information and analysis prior to the coaching time slot. During the coaching session, there will be intention setting, and a review of the basics and benefits of BDSM. Sessions may include individual or group coaching, culminating in short-term homework (fun) and a custom designed BDSM/fantasy based on your desires and goals.

On-going Sessions

On-going sessions include a continuing exploration into BDSM, kink and intimacy. Coaching packages available.

NOTE: This is professional coaching, which includes talking to you about improving your sex life, educating you to fill in the gaps of your knowledge about BDSM/kink, and action steps you can take to improve yourself and your relationships.

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The art and science of coaching is to facilitate success for you.

Coaching helps functional people achieve their personal goals. While our coaches might be experienced mentors in the field of BDSM and the science of attraction, they shouldn’t be used as a substitute or replacement for therapy provided by a qualified clinician trained to treat mental, emotional, and psychological disorders.

Kinky coaching is an action-oriented and solution-based approach where you are not just listened to but offered effective solutions to help you reach your goals. Through the coaching conversations, exercises, various tools and techniques, reflection, powerful questioning and inquiry you’ll develop the confidence and the trust in self to not just live a lonely existence but to thrive on the right track with creating a loving relationship just right for you.

Our kinky coaches primary focus is your well-being, and success in creating that raunchy kinky lifestyle you’ve been yearning for.

⭐ Get Excellent Advice

Have access to a competent kinky coach and mentor who understands where you’re at in your struggles and can show you how to overcome them.

⭐ Get to the Root of Your Problems

Dive deep into your mindset issues and find clarity by the end of the session so that you can stay focused.

⭐ Get the Right Amount of Support

No feeling pressured to figure this all out in a rushed, 30-minute call. There’s time to find clarity, strategize, and even implement.

⭐ Staying on track when life happens
Maybe you feel stuck in a vanilla rut, or too caught up in the day to day issues of a 24/7 relationship.

⭐ Becoming a better Dom or sub
Mentoring is great if you’re looking to make big changes – mastering self-discipline and confidence while achieving more consistency.

⭐ Fixing relationship issues
Maybe you’re struggling in a long-distance or polyamorous relationship, or you want your partner to become better at their role.

Kinky Coaching and Mentoring for Singles

  • Are you thinking about how you can live the BDSM lifestyle as a single?
  • Do you want to learn new techniques or maybe a special one?
  • Are you wondering how or whether you should address the topic to potential partners or to friends or family?
  • Need help choosing someone that suits your needs?
  • Is it difficult for you to find a partner or does the search on the net overwhelm you?
  • There are many options and even more possible questions. We’ll help you to find your own way, to overcome obstacles and to feel comfortable and safe and self-confident.

Kinky Coaching and Mentoring for Couples

  • Do you want to start a D/s dynamic within your relationship?
  • Want to know how to deal with it if you’ve been asked about the lifestyle and know nothing or little about it yet?
  • What to learn how to get involved with such preferences?
  • Want to learn how to express your mutual suggestions, wishes and suggestions for improvement with each other?
  • Want to learn more BDSM techniques?
  • Want to learn how to find new ways to spice up your kinky lifestyle?
  • Want to know how to integrate BDSM into your everyday lives?
  • Wanting to know how to reconcile BDSM and family?
  • What to know how to treat your partner as an equal even if you have a strong sexual power gap?

Kinky Coaching and Mentoring for single Dominants

Would you like to attract a sexy, loyal and genuine submissive? Someone who sees you, appreciates you and is attracted to your dominance?

Whether you’re ready for your first meaningful relationship, or want to get it right this time round, or you want to find a submissive you connect with on all the right levels, it can be time-consuming, frustrating and deflating.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can turn it around and get what you want.

What’s stopping you from being in a great D/s relationship?
While there’s never been more opportunities to meet single submissives, finding the right kind of submissive for a meaningful relationship is more challenging than ever!

Do you find yourself:

As professional kinky coaches and mentors, we have helped countless Dominants meet and attract the submissives they were meant to be with.

Despite these amazing Doms being successful and happy in almost every area of life, they also struggled with some of these roadblocks to finding a deep connection.

Until we overcame them together.

With the right tools and strategies, they had the confidence to meet, connect with and romance the kind of cute submissives they knew they deserved.

When you choose us as your trusted BDSM strategy advisors, you’ll have everything you need to meet the right submissives and avoid wasting time and money on the wrong ones.


Kinky Coaching and Mentoring for single Submissives

You have a life, career, family and friends, but there’s something missing, right? A genuine, intelligent and confident Dominant who sees you as the object of their lust and desire, is attracted to the real you and makes you feel weak at the knees and gooey in the middle.

Like so many submissives who have been let down before, maybe you’re:

As professional kinky coaches and mentors, we have helped countless submissives meet and attract the Dominant they were meant to be with.

Despite these amazing subs being successful and happy in almost every area of life, they also struggled with some of these roadblocks to finding a deep connection.

Until we overcame them together.

With the right tools and strategies, they had the confidence to meet, connect with and romance the kind of healthy dominant they knew they would be safe and flourish with.

By trusting in and opening yourself up to our kinky coaching and mentoring, you’ll gain the tools and confidence you need to meet the right Doms, avoid the wrong ones and be ready for the most fulfilling D/s relationship of your life.


Kinky Coaching Testimonials

I received practices that have daily anchored me in the energy of joyfulness.

It’s difficult to find words to describe my experience in this retreat. The experience brought me a gentle and joyful inner pleasure. It can seem very funny, but the word that came to me was ‘injaculation’.

In this retreat I was able to fit together various pieces of a puzzle of concepts and spiritual teachings that until now were somewhat disconnected. It was also a strengthening of the fundamental aspects of BDSM, a consolidation of my understanding of the various lines of sacred sexuality and how they relate to other spiritual traditions.

As a gift from this retreat I received practices that have daily anchored me in the energy of the heart’s joyfulness. After the retreat and through the daily practices that we were given, I notice a definite transformation in my sex life and massage work. I find myself much more fluid and connected with my intuition.

I was really struck by Brendan’s ability to transmit such profound teachings and practices in such a simple and light way.

I thank him very much for showing such patience and full availability during the whole time that we were together.

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Bryony Benazzo

Really helped us to light a bonfire in our bedroom!

We have been together for 10 years and were in a routine. We still enjoyed sex, but it wasn’t mind-blowing like at the beginning of our relationship. Close friends recommended one of Brendan’s kink workshops and the field trip to a fetish club. Best recommendation ever! The role-play workshop with field trip was a blast! We now have a ‘dressing up box’ hidden in the wardrobe with all the bits needed to transform into pirates, distressed damsels, police and prisoner, French maid and master of the house. The field trip introduced us to a whole new world. We can’t wait for the next event and field trip. Brendan has helped us to light a bonfire in our bedroom. We cannot thank him enough!

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Steven Stamkos

I put what I learned at the first workshop to use and got great results

I put what I learned at the first workshop to use and got great results… my girlfriend LOVED it! I can’t wait to see what else I learn from the next one.

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Jess Comber

Finally! Someone who tells it how it is, without all the fluff!

Brendan’s piercing clarity, depth of knowledge and gentle heart can lead any practitioner right to the heart of their being.

His embodiment of the holistic path and his understanding of sacred sexuality coupled with a no-bull-shit-attitude puts him in a unique position in the community of modern-day practitioners.

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Geraldine Chapman

Our sex life now is much more adventurous!

After an exciting two years, my partner and I fell into a routine. Saturday night date night to the movies or an upmarket restaurant. Sex after the date – same routine. My BFF paid for our coaching with Brendan as a birthday present for me. Things were awkward at first. We weren’t used to talking to others about our sex life. By Saturday night we were talking about everything. We went to a BDSM and Fetish club that he recommended and tried a few things we had only fantasised about. Sunday night we were exhausted but still excited by what we experienced. Our sex life now is much more adventurous! And that was just the first session… we can’t wait till the next!

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Tiffeny Malick

My experience with Brendan’s coaching has made a profound difference in my life.

My experience with Brendan’s coaching has made a profound difference in my life. I have allowed myself to explore and to awaken parts of my erotic self that had been repressed or blocked for most of my life. I have been able to really acknowledge and celebrate my sexuality and to face up to my inhibitions and feelings of guilt about my sexual desires and arousals. For the first time I felt my sexuality was fully accepted, even the parts that I had thought of as ‘kinky’ and ‘nasty’. My opening has had very positive implications for my sex life. I have gained skills in connecting with women and have much greater control over my ejaculation and sexual responsiveness.

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Toby Ferrari

Before I always believed turning

Before I always believed turning 30 is old, and I even thinking turning 23 is sad… Until I know this guy: at the age of 36, he is way more successful with women then he was at my age. A once overweight dyslexic guy who couldn’t be touched has transformed into this amazingly deep personality. Seeing the picture of his 19 year old sub just amazes me, and inspires me to live on with a strong faith in the future. Seriously, each time I get flaked on or turned down by a girl, I can just think of Brendan as an example and positivity will fill the whole all over again, Thank you!

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Hu Chao

Coach Brendan Hadley has delivered very helpful information and training.

Coach Brendan Hadley has delivered very helpful information and training, my friend of 7 years has now become my girlfriend so we have a very deep trust and she has explored the BDSM lifestyle way more than I have ever tried. Brendan’s in-depth training has made me feel very confident about exploring this new lifestyle with her. I also emailed his 17-page checklist for her to fill out, and she was so excited to receive it. She’s also very happy with how much I’m wanting to grow and explore with her, she’s excited for me to take the Dominant role with our relationship so this is so exciting to us both. Thanks again Brendan for all the helpful information you shared and the time you’ve spent coaching me, I’m looking forward to your digital courses being released.

⭐  ⭐  ⭐  ⭐  ⭐

Benjamin Presley

How Does Kinky Coaching Work?

The Evolution Institution Dating Coaching Format:

  • 30 Minute Complimentary Coaching Consultation
  • 60 to 120 minute first session each
  • 60 to 120 minute first session as a couple
  • One 30 to 90 minute phone call per week (session length depends on which coach and which program)
  • Unlimited Email support
  • Occasional brief check-in calls

Kinky Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and clients where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you. Although we’ll certainly be mentoring you and helping you evolve your knowledge around the BDSM lifestyle and will readily offer you helpful advice in its application to your life. We also believe that you know the answers to every question or challenge you may have in your life, even if those answers appear to be obscured, concealed or hidden inside.

When you enlist the support of a private kinky coach/mentor to help you unleash your hidden potential , you also begin an amazing (and often eye-opening) journey of self-discovery. Then, once you and your coach have a good sense of what’s been getting in the way of your dating success, we can help you design new strategies to get better results and ultimately, find that special someone to share your life with.

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Good Kinky Coaching/ Mentoring Starts With An Assessment

Unlike some manualized “cookie-cutter” approaches to Kinky coaching/mentoring, ours is different. We have a holistic approach to kinky coaching/mentoring. Because all of our kinky coaches have been trained by Brendan Hadley (with specialized training based on sexology,  relationship counselling, BDSM techniques and practices) we have a unique ability to help you understand your patterns in relationships, and the subconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that may be unintentionally getting in the way of your results.

Sometimes we use personality assessments to help you “get under the hood” and gain insight into yourself. But often, your kinky self-discovery process happens through a series of interviews with your excellent coach/mentor. We’ll ask you questions about your BDSM experiences, relationship history, and the relational experiences that shaped you. You’ll also be asked questions about who you are as a person, and what kinds of attitudes, thoughts, and approaches you use in situations in different aspects of your life.

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Our kinky coaches and mentors are here for you

As no one can look into their own eyes without a mirror, one also cannot find their inner core without an external reflection. We provide a conscious kink mirror, a space where you can share and better understand your fetish desires and where you can show your shadow side without fear of judgement.

Whether you’re a kink newbie or BDSM veteran, your fetish desires can affect the rest of your life. Living the kink lifestyle can bring up multiple issues such as how to connect and form relationships, how to manage a secret lifestyle, or how to find clarity about the nature of our kinks. Many people feel isolated and guilty about their fetish desires simply because they have no one to talk to. And even when we are a part of the BDSM community, our friends will often only tell us what we want to hear… But does that actually solve our problems and help us grow?


With over a decade of experience in the BDSM scene, two internationally recognised qualifications in both counselling and clinical sexology, and a vast array of private research on BDSM, human behaviour and sacred sexuality, Brendan Hadley, along with his personally trained coaches offer a style of mentoring that goes beyond any traditional psychotherapy. Using a variety of tools, including but not limited to guided visualisations, embodiment practices and sharing sessions, kinky coaching and mentoring guides clients to acknowledge their desires and resolves issues around any lingering shame of their kinks and sexuality. If the client is ready and willing, their kinks can be used as tools to expand their awareness and to nurture the client’s higher potential.

Experimentation and Refinement

Once you and your kinky coach develop a clear plan of action, the work shifts to supporting you in following through with things and helping you refine your strategy and techniques as you learn more. You and your kinky coach will evaluate the results of your actions, and decide what changes to make in your approach. You’ll also have guidance and support if you do meet someone with potential, as you negotiate the often confusing first stages of early romantic love. We can help you build a healthy new D/s dynamic, and avoid many of the potential pitfalls that can derail a budding romance.

Live the kinky lifestyle you've always wanted

Exploring BDSM can be both exciting and challenging for everyone. And it is also true that people evolve and discover their true self, through the process of exploring their kinks, and discarding their old maladaptive ways and never looking back. What is NOT obvious to the casual observer on social media is how people are actually creating their success.

Kinky coaching and mentoring is a billion-dollar industry… that few people who’ve benefitted from it talk about. What is not openly discussed (but is definitely privately happening) is that many people who have been successful in exploring and navigating this lifestyle had the behind-the-scenes support of a great kinky coach and mentor. You deserve the same advantage.

Get in touch, and set up your free consultation with one of our excellent kinky coaches today.

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Success is not the key to happiness.

Happiness is the key to success.

If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.


  • You’re wanting to learn how to explore this lifestyle safely.
  • You’re wanting to learn new kinky skills and techniques
  • You’re wanting to learn more and improve upon already existing kinky skills and techniques
  • You’re worried nobody will accept your weird fetishes or kinks.
  • Your life is lacking that certain something.
  • Your life is good but getting a little stale and you want to shake things up a bit and give it a little boost.
  • You’re wanting to get involved in the BDSM lifestyle, but don’t know where to start.
  • You’re ready to get out there and explore the BDSM lifestyle in what it has to offer.
  • You’re wanting to explore this lifestyle, but don’t know how to approach it with your partner.
  • You’re wanting to improve your strategy in finding a long-term play partner, but are not sure where to begin.
  • Navigating real world and online dating in the BDSM community is scary for you.
  • You’ve lost your confidence in dealing with the opposite sex.
  • You’ve been trying to make a real connection online within the BDSM community, but you seem to be getting it wrong.
  • You want someone to fill the void in your life.
  • You want to be the best you can be for your future kinky partner and have the best relationship possible!

If any of the above statements sound like you, than our kinky coaching and mentoring services are for you.

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We help you connect your head and your heart in a way that transforms you into the kind of person others see you as worth having.

Our Kinky coaches/mentors are highly trained, and you can also expect to gain a number of any of the additional benefits listed below from your coaching/mentoring experience with us:

  • Become a better dominant
  • Improved mental health and resilience
  • More self-confidence
  • Less conflict and good communication
  • Better intimacy (emotional, physical, and sexual)
  • Much more consistent daily happiness 
  • Ability to navigate this lifestyle safely
  • Achieving your kinky relationship goals in your dating game
  • Become free from sexual shame and guilt
  • Improved positive outlook on life
  • A great sense of achievement
  • Useful ways to understand and manage your emotions
  • Appreciation for the change process, not just the end result
  • A good understanding of communication styles
  • Learn new kink related skills and techniques
  • Become a better submissive
  • A positive outlook on relationships and on other people
  • Good stress management skills
  • More sexually empowered
  • The ability to move your vanilla relationship from just dating to a kinky D/s dynamic.
  • More understanding and acceptance of self and others
  • A sense of belonging
  • Better relationships with family and friends
  • Increased level of understanding and responsibility
  • Internal drive (self-motivation)
  • Feeling empowered to take control over your life
  • Effective techniques to recognize your partners’ feelings and needs
  • Having a deeper understanding of both yours and your partners sexual boundaries and experience

We at Evolution Institution are passionate about helping dedicated individuals create massive transformations in their lives and career.

We’re based on the Gold Coast Queensland Australia, however we work with people just like you all over the world online.

We want to help you to start living the life you’re meant to live.

Scroll down and book your no-obligation free 30-minute consultation session. We’ll talk about your needs and determine if our programs are a good fit. We can’t wait to connect with you!

Take this moment to contact us right now for your complimentary consultation to find out what dating coaching can do for you.

Book your no obligation free 30-minute consultation session with us today.

This one click can change your life forever!