Evolution Institution, International School of Transformation.

About us

Evolution Institution (Formerly known as Sensual Living) is a vibrant community offering a range of upcoming online courses, workshops, retreats, training and private sessions to help facilitate and support your profound personal development and inner healing through your transformative journey.

We provide fun experiences for men and women to open their minds and hearts, feel the innate aliveness of their bodies, effectively help them to release limiting thought and behaviour patterns and grow as individuals into something better than they were before. Brendan’s heartfelt intention for this work is to empower people to discover, embody and express their true power.

Brendan has a holistic view of therapy, this means that he along with all the other coaches involved with Evolution Institution are interested in engaging and developing you as a whole person. You can think of this as different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It’s the concept that the human being is multi-dimensional. We have conscious and unconscious aspects, rational and irrational aspects, so by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease or problem area, we can get much better longer lasting positive results.

Brendan’s vision is to create a world where all human beings are living their full potential and their dream life while being the person they were born to be.

Our mission

Our mission is to make a real difference in real people’s lives, and to create the most effective group of world-class coaches, and educators around Personal-Development, Loving-Relationships, Sacred-Sexuality, Business and all things in between earning living by helping people evolve into the kind of person they want to be.

We do this by increasing your capabilities, your confidence and your number of clients.


The World Evolved!
Our vision is to live in a world where everyone is reaching their full potential and loving their life.
We know when inspired people passionately apply the right education they can change their life, and the world.


Without our clients, we wouldn’t exist. Your needs come first in everything we do. So our primary goal is to ensure that in every interaction you progress further ahead in your goal to empower yourself and make a difference and be all that you can be. This means every event you attend, video you watch, phone call you receive, group/ private coaching and mentoring session, right down to every email you receive from us, your needs come first.

Practice what we preach

We believe in practicing what we preach. Self-improvement is extreamly beneficial, the journey of self-improvement is an ongoing process of constant learning. It gives us all the opportunity to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses and to work on them. The benefits are that you grow as a person while growing your skills, you improve your self-awareness, competence, and you boost your confidence.

You really can’t lose when educating yourself, improving your skill set and evolving as a person. And we as a organization are committed to doing the same.

Impressed with Excellence

Average doesn’t cut it. We aim for excellence at our events, research and development right through to customer service so your experience with us is excellent. This isn’t just so our clients are happy, but also because it makes our entire team happy. Leaving our clients impressed is our way of knowing that we’re doing our job extremely well.

Work and Play as a TEAM

Every member of our team matters. We are all interconnected and have an important role to play in fulfilling our mission. We use the word “play” because we realize it’s all a great game. We feel that our workshops, retreats and programs are so effective because they were created from a space of inspiration, service and fun.


Everything in life has a formula. Success is no different. We know that if we show up every day with the right attitude, the right effort and seek to improve our skills, success is sure to come.


We believe in approaching our work from a place of inspiration, creativity and love. We don’t rush through our day to make a poor product. Instead, we strive to get in flow and make each one a masterpiece. Whether we are creating a new YouTube video, facilitating a fun workshop, or refining an existing event, when we look back on our work we are proud of what we have created.


Clear open communication is critical to everyone’s happiness and success. So if we are thinking or feeling something, then we express it without hesitation from a place of authenticity, humility and gratitude.

This could be giving honest feedback to a client or expressing how we feel to a team member.

We know it can be difficult in the short term, but in the long run this creates more empowerment for everyone and a more harmonious environment.


We know there is wisdom and power in simplicity. So whenever we make a decision we ask ourselves “How can we simplify this?” Complexity is confusing. It doesn’t help our clients or staff. On the other hand, simplicity is easy for everyone to understand and remember.

Learning while having Fun

Experiencing positive emotions while we learn, helps us retain and retrieve information efficiently from the brain, so our workshops, retreats, programs and events are all carefully designed and planned to make you feel something and have fun. As fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. Learning isn’t a one-off event. It requires repetition and dedication. If the experience is fun, learners will stay curious and keep coming back for more.


Evolution Institution is a subsidiary of Mugen Enterprise Proprietary Limited. ACN 615 287 164