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One of the best decisions was to reach out to Brendan for help.

Coming out as nonbinary has been and will always be a journey without a clear beginning and end.

Some days I can live in the expansiveness of myself, and some days I feel restrained by others’ expectations and assumptions. Some days I feel valid as a “twilight person,” existing between and outside of binaries, and some days explaining and defining who I am is too tiring and I wish for simplicity. I used to have total emotional meltdowns about that when would happen, and then I would find myself stuck wallowing in a deep pit of despair for long periods of time, (which admittedly was pretty maladaptive on my part) but Brendan has really helped me self-regulate my emotions.

He helped me become more confident, more aware, and more reflective of my thoughts.

He helped me feel more forgiving towards others, and helped me see all the positives within myself and run with them.

Brendan’s life coaching skills were inspiring, exuberant, and spectacular.

I’m now focusing on me, and so much of this stems from his work with me. Thank you, Brendan!

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