Together we can change the world.
Written by Brendan Hadley
Published 8th June 2017
I have always felt that something was out of balance within our world. When I was just a little boy, I wanted to speak up about it, yet I repressed the urges to do so, in order to fit in. Over time I assimilated with the values and ideals of the society and world around me. I guess like so many around us, I became sort of numb, as if I were in some kind of coma, a nightmarish state from which I was afraid I would not wake up from.
Now, I have awakened and it feels so liberating!
I’ve come to realize something absolutely amazing, this world truly is a beautiful place filled with wonder and amazingly beautiful people in it. If we all work on improving ourselves and start freely sharing information, then we will all see and feel the benefits. Through working together we really can heal the world.
I have been trying hard to free myself from society’s mould of mental slavery, for it’s been deeply programming each and every one of us. As well as doing my part to help liberate others from the tendrils of the blind closed-mindedness of much of our world.
But it’s not easy! It takes patience and time to clear away all the limiting illusions that society unwittingly installs in us from birth that shames us into being something less than what we truly are.
Yet sometimes even for me, it’s hard to keep going, and I start to fall into some old bad habits, and then I get so sick and tired of all the negative things I see going on around the world and how it affects us all. After a while I start to snap out of it again, and then I look around and I see that I’m not the only one, I see others all working in their own way to make a positive change in their own lives and how subsequently they’re having a positive influence on the people around them. And then I see hope, hope for us all.
It so nice to know that there are so many others just like myself that are waking up and breaking free of the set moulds and are on the same brave journey of true self-discovery, working together to make our future a better place.
So, how does one truly wake up?

To start with we must closely examine ourselves at the core of who we are right now. We should look at our fears and our joys, observe our own strengths and weaknesses, and then educate ourselves further on what is relevant in our world. For with knowledge comes the power to strip ourselves of our sickly illusions that limit ourselves by shaming us into inaction.
To start with we must closely examine ourselves at the core of who we are right now. We should look at our fears and our joys, observe our own strengths and weaknesses, and then educate ourselves further on what is relevant in our world. For with knowledge comes the power to strip ourselves of our sickly illusions that limit ourselves by shaming us into inaction.
So why is education so important?
And why should we expand our own consciousness?

Well let me put it to you this way. “If you have a golf-ball-sized consciousness, when you read a book, you’ll have a golf-ball-sized understanding of it; and when you look out a window, you’ll only have a golf-ball-sized awareness, when you wake up in the morning, you’ll have a golf-ball-sized wakefulness; and as you go about your day, you’ll have a golf-ball-sized inner happiness.” ~ David Lynch.
So educate yourself to the highest levels, learn more, see more, do more and live a truly better life, by making more informed decisions.
Take ownership of your own actions and the daily decisions that you make and how it affects the world and the people around you, because you can’t expect others to do it for you. This is your life! You’re time to shine! Your chance to make a positive difference!
Honour your body! Nourish it with good nutrition. Exercise your muscles, because if you don’t use it you lose it.
Understand that it’s okay to be kinder to yourself and show yourself self-respect. Self-respect is the root of discipline: Our sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. And the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect comes from.
So when you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you. And someday you will realize that you can have everything you want in life.
However, it takes timing, the right heart, the right kind of thinking, the right actions, the right passion and a willingness to risk it all.
Happiness is dependent on self-discipline.

We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. Self-discipline is an act of cultivation. It requires you to connect today’s actions to tomorrow’s results. There’s a season for sowing and a season for reaping. Self-discipline helps you know which is which.
Long-term, we must begin to build our internal strengths. It isn’t just skills like computer technology. It’s the old-fashioned basics of self-reliance, self-motivation, self-reinforcement, self-discipline, self-command. As you work towards self-mastery you will start to have a positive influence on the people around you, and one by one we can make more and more positive changes. All of these positive changes will transform our world into a better future.
So if you see what I see and feel as I feel, then take a little time out of each day for self-reflection, and if you don’t like how you’re feeling about yourself, then ask yourself are these thoughts limiting me? Or moving me further away from the future I truly want? If so then isn’t it time you abandon these limitations and seek out more positive ways to think?
Life is a challenge,
there's nobody denying that.

Sometimes life often seems hard or difficult due to the many obstacles that show up for each and every one of us, but all you really need to do is, actively solve one problem at a time, and that’s actually all it takes in order to deal with any curveballs that life throws at you, it’s solving each problem one at a time and keep moving forward.
Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation.
I believe that if we all started treating the Earth and all those that dwell within it with respect, and also started working together for the benefit of all mankind, and gave assistance and kindness wherever needed. Then we would move closer to freely sharing our technologies without putting patents on them, we may even achieve such breakthroughs as free clean energy being installed all over the world.
And if we as an evolved species, start to responsibly and intelligently unleash this new science and technology on the world, then we will all share the benefits together. For only through working together as fellow human beings, can we truly heal the world and make it a better place for us and the future generations to come.
We as a species are heading for paradise or oblivion, and it’s us and only us that make the choice. And each and every one of you are a part of that choice, and so it’s up to you. But I can tell you this now, do nothing and nothing will change for the better.