I was really sheltered and naive growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness
When I lost my faith and challenged the church, they denounced me and spread gossip about me, pressuring me to stay silent when I spoke out. And my family even excommunicated me for no good reason.
Although I was grateful for being free of all the controlling influences and brainwashing of the church, I was heavily dealing with separation anxiety and kind of felt like I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire! Nothing made sense anymore and the dating world was really scary. I was taken advantage of a few times, I almost totally gave up on love and humanity as a whole, but Brendan made me feel that I wasn’t alone, and he really helped me turn everything around.
You taught me so many things and really empowered me to make more positive changes in my life, now I’m in a healthy relationship and moving forward in a positive direction.
From the bottom of my heart, I deeply thank you Brendan, if only there were more people in the world like you.